Facilities and Activities
The school environment and physical setting has a deep impact on the child’s growing years. SFHS is located in Sector 26, Chandigarh on a sprawling 5-acre plot of land, amidst picturesque surroundings. Careful attention has been given to create uncluttered, happy spaces where children can explore and learn, unfettered.
The school has large well-appointed, air conditioned classrooms equipped with state of the art interactive white boards.
Rooms are built in clusters, with easy access to outside areas. Separate activity rooms, a well stocked library with books, an amphitheatre and two computer labs have been provided exclusively for the students. Science laboratories are designed to provide practical exposure to students. A large open-air theatre is the hub of activity, interaction, workshops, seminars and informal lectures/demonstrations that are held on an ongoing basis.
The sports facilities include a soccer field, basketball court, tennis courts, cricket nets and a swimming pool.

SFHS is equipped with a swimming pool, football field, tennis court, cricket ground and basketball court. Apart from these there are many sporting facilities for junior students. There is regular enrollment for different sports classes through the year with students opting to choose and play a sport of their choice in the after hours.
Regular intra-school competitions are held on campus to encourage participation and healthy competition.

Performing arts
Dramatics From the smallest of role-plays to larger theatrical productions, the school’s celebration of dramatics begins from Junior School. The club encapsulates different forms of drama like musicals, street plays, short skits, pantomimes, which are performed the larger school community to enjoy.
Dance This club, true to its spirit of nurturing talents in all its forms, teaches contemporary, classical Indian and fusion dance.
Music is an important influencer to mark milestones during the day, as well as in children’s lives at SFHS. This club trains students and provides them opportunities to learn vocal, instrumental, classical Hindustani, and English contemporary music.

Art & craft
Like music, art is deeply embedded in the school curriculum. Students are strongly encouraged to experiment with a variety of mediums to express themselves freely. While freedom is endorsed, it is supported with well-structured and supervised, curriculum and guidance. The Art and Craft club is an extension of this ethos and manifests itself through the regular art exhibitions that are held to commemorate diversity in culture, thought and spirit.

Mock United Nations and Parliamentary Debate Competitions were initiated as a formal society at SFHS in 2012. Today the MUN and PDC club has the largest pool of student enrolments. Each year- a new set of eager debating enthusiasts join this globally platform. Office bearers to the SFHS MUN Secretariat and Organising Committee are elected through a transparent and democratic process. The annual SFHS MUN and PDC has participation from leading schools across the country and offers participants a unique experience that encompasses panel discussions, concerts featuring world renowned artists and an opportunity to meet with prominent leaders.

Literary & quizzing
The Literary society nurtures public speaking, debating, elocution, creative writing and all other literary pursuits in Hindi and English. The culmination of the year-long work by the Language Department is showcased through two events – the interschool Wordsmiths and the inter-house Shiladhaar. New genres of speech, writing and oratory are explored and celebrated.
Additionally there is regular Quizzing that caters to the diverse interests of the students and includes Spell Bees, Just A Minute, Trivia and other formats designed to build interest in the finer details and to sharpen skills of collation and recall of information that defines the calibre of every quiz master in the making.

Photography & calligraphy
Photography students learn various photography techniques, such as videography and still photography. The club has consistently honed the skills of students to the extent that all school events, including Mock United Nations and Parliamentary Debate Competitions, are covered by members of the club. Further, the students shoot the opening films, which include rushes and time lapses, that are showcased at each event. In the high school, presentations for each weekly assembly are prepared from start to finish by students. The Calligraphy club trains students in the art of penmanship which can be a delicate art form.