Student Life
Exchange programmes
In an endeavour towards offering new opportunities and learning experiences to students the school had tied up with Collegio San Carlo, a prestigious school in Milan, Italy, that dates itself back to 1869 and Kolegium Europejskie, Krakow, Poland. This reciprocal exchange programme was offered to students of Class 11 wherein students from Milan and Poland were hosted in Chandigarh and later students of SFHS visited their counterparts. During the 2 week long stay the students attended regular school with their hosts and were involved in all the curricular activities of the school. The idea here was to provide an inter-cultural exchange between the students of the two countries and give them an opportunity to live and study in a foreign land within a secure and safe environment of a school.
Based on the school’s philosophy of providing limitless learning opportunities and help in developing life skills of leadership and adaptation such forums are imperative in today’s globally permeable boundaries.
Such interactions are also extended to schools within India with the aim to provide a glimpse of the rich diversity and culture of different states within our country. There is a constant and dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives between our students and those from schools across the country through events such as, The Model United Nations Conferences, Literary Festivals and the IB DP CAS initiatives.

Outdoor programmes
At SFHS we have yearly adventure camps in collaboration with trusted brands and companies like inme, Youreka, EdTerra Adventures. Children from class 5 onwards are encouraged to go on these trips and get first-hand experience in engaging with the outdoors.
Junior school children are regularly taken for day trips in and around Chandigarh, when the weather is conducive. Yearly picnics, movie shows and places of importance and knowledge are part of an annual calendar that is constantly reviewed and updated.

Middle school onwards children are encouraged to undertake school organised international educational trips to places like the USA, Singapore, China, Japan and France, among other countries. In France, in collaboration with Alliance Française, these cultural immersion programmes, are opportunities for children to stay with host families and attend classes in French language, besides visiting important landmarks.
Through the year, we organise many inter school, zonal, regional and national level sports competitions, swimming competitions and athletic meets.
Many of our students have made it to many national and International competitions. Last year our World Scholars Cup Team went to Barcelona, Yale – USA, Athens – Greece, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia to participate.

School clubs
Skill building is perhaps the most essential part of school years. At SFHS, we strive to provide a wide variety of basic skills across a vast spectrum of learning. Activity and play is built into lesson planning to cover individual learning styles. The school clubs have been the nurturing ground for talent to blossom under the watchful and keen guidance of devoted faculty who create innumerable opportunities for students of varying proclivities and interests. Apart from the weekly club meetings each society has an annual mega event that is planned and executed mostly by students.
From Grade 7 onwards, students are expected to choose from activities, clubs and societies. Besides these year-long modules, students participate in socially useful productive work and compulsory community service. Student led initiatives like LaunchX, TedX, Cubing are welcomed and supported in High School.

Student council
The Student Council is an important student-led body of the school and serves to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership.
The Council shares opinions as well as generates ideas on various student matters affecting their learning, wellbeing and welfare. It provides students an avenue for identifying a variety of issues affecting them and suggesting innovative, yet implementable solutions. It helps the management and teachers to reach out to all students to assure them that we deeply care for them, immensely value their opinion and are excited to use their leadership and organisational ability.
Being a part of the Student Council is an enriching experience, but the position comes with great responsibility. It is also an unparalleled opportunity to display and hone one’s leadership skills and abilities.