Inme Programs

holidays are temporary. adventures are forever.

Our programs take children of all ages on transformative journeys—explore the outdoors, stretch to take on challenges, and learn more about yourself.

We offer three types of programs with activities designed for varying age groups and levels of difficulty.

let's find a program for you

I'm years old looking for a adventure

we have
for you

get a taste of adventure

00 first timer programs

for 9-12 year olds just 6 days

Our Discover Programs are especially designed for young children embarking on their first outdoor adventure. Run from our campuses with greater supervision and more care, experience four outdoor activities to get an overview of each of them.

about discover programs

more skills, more thrills

00 intermediate level programs

for 10-16 year olds 8 days pack in more fun

Our Explore Programs are run from our campuses where children choose two of multiple activities offered and experience them in detail. Going beyond the basics, rigourous sessions help develop confidence and technical skills during the three days dedicated to each activity.

about explore programs

the tough get going

00 advanced level programs

for 11-17 year olds 8-24 days

Our Challenge Programs have on-campus options and expeditions with multiple campsites along the way. The programs focus on developing self-reliance and leadership skills and therefore rely on one or two outdoor activities to deliver learning.

about challenge programs
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