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How can recruitment process outsourcing solutions help?

The Imperial Roman army, was almost 1.25 lakh strong. Recruiting 1.25 lakh employees even today is colossal, so one can only imagine the strategies Romans would have used to achieve this feat. It is said that Julius Caesar offered 300 sestertius to any soldier who would recruit another.

For an economy slated to grow at 7%, there is bound to be more job creation. India’s formal workforce is expected to grow from 41 million in 2013 to 88 million by 2022. The RPO solutions, or recruitment process outsourcing, promises to bridge that delivery gap.

So, what is an RPO?

RPOs differ from traditional placement consultants on three broad contours:
Scope: RPO solutions manages multiple things in a recruitment process. These include demand management, sourcing management, process management, analytics and governance. Terms and outcomes: RPO engagements are long-term and focus on multiple outcomes, like transactional outcomes around SLA and KPI delivery, strategic outcomes like driving stakeholder experience and automation of processes, and long-term outcomes such as predictability and building market intelligence.

Read More, How Recruitment Process Outsourcing Help?

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How can recruitment process outsourcing solutions help?

define a role

and get a market map for the role you're hiring.

It will cover— Location spread of your applicants, favourable experience, compensation map, source perspective and more.

identify your INDUSTRY

and see how talent acquisition changed metrics for a client in your domain.

the document covers— Diversity workforce, attrition rate, selection ratio, employee referral among other topics.

just fill in the position

we service Frontline, Lateral, Executive... Talent mapping across positions.

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