Burhan Wani May Have Been Betrayed to Security Forces by His Hosts
Around 4 pm on July 8, Junaid and his friend went out for for a walk from Peer Takia to the adjoining village of Sheikh Takia and beyond. As the duo reached Bemduru village, they met a local, Abdul Mehmood, who informed them of high security cover in the area, since some official was expected to visit the place.
The two boys walked ahead till they heard gun shots, and began running back home in Peer Takia. Instead of taking the main road, they took the shortest way through the paddy fields. In less than five minutes, they were at Peer Takia and the firing had stopped.
At Peer Takia, a group of men had already gathered, proceeding towards Bemduru, the spot where gunshots were heard. The group was unaware of the actual situation but were marching to save whoever had been caught in the encounter. Ten minutes later, the firing resumed, this time to banish the crowds that had reached the spot. The gun shots were heard till late in the evening but the operation was over, slaying 22-year-old Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani and two others.
Bemduru is about 20 km from the main town of Islamabad, 85 km south of Srinagar, and is a cluster of closely packed houses. No road connects it to the main town. It is believed that Burhan and his accomplice had been living in a house there for a couple of days.
The house was the maternal home of Sartaj Sheikh, the other militant killed along with Burhan. Sartaj was a resident of an adjoining village, Sheikh Takia. The structure where the militants had been staying was a large mud house, shared by three families.
Bemduru is about 20 km from the main town of Islamabad, 85 km south of Srinagar, and is a cluster of closely packed houses. No road connects it to the main town. It is believed that Burhan and his accomplice had been living in a house there for a couple of days.